We had built a life. A home. A 3 bedroom single family space. We decorated on holidays, and we had bar-b-ques. We decided to move to a new area in August of 2021. Our plan was to get settled for a year or two and then begin looking into buying some land away from the city where we would eventually have a house built. Our kids are getting older and they'll all be graduated by 2030. It's time to start thinking about the next phase of our lives. Never in a million years did I think the home we were renting would be our downfall.
My husband and I both had jobs and kept up with our family in full for years. Then the rent started going up, the cost of groceries is getting ridiculous, and jobs aren't giving raises to keep up with the cost of living. We ended up on Food Stamps and Medicaid after one year. We held on, and our eldest children stepped up and began assisting us even though they are supposed to be saving up for cars and their first apartments. They work as well. That helped for a bit, but the costs just keep rising.
We took out an auto loan, but a month later I lost my job. I found other work, but I had to take a pay cut. We still had hope, but we knew we would lose that car to repossession eventually. When that day came, we knew it was only a matter of time before we would lose the house too. We fought on. My husband and I kept looking for better work. Nothing was coming through. We found rental assistance and managed to escape one eviction. We found utility assistance as well. All of that was returned when the second attempt at eviction came through and no more assistance was available. The counties are stretched thin. The housing authority can't even help. We lost our home.Now we are living in a hotel, and working to maintain what we have. We all still have jobs, but the reality is the hotels are over priced. We need a home.
We reached out to some friends in another state and the plan is to move. If we can get the moving money raised, then we can get into a monthly rate hotel there. People have been putting their feelers out for us, and we have jobs waiting for us. All we have to do is get there and start working.
Follow this link below to the Go Fund Me that my son has made.
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